Our vision is “To train the brain through the visual system using neuroplasticity research to produce a life-changing effect in our patients’ lives.”

Better Results
Traditional therapy works only 10-30% of the brain because it only works eye muscles. Traditional therapy takes almost twice as long, works better only on younger patients, and often needs maintenance therapy. CogniViiSION™ focuses on the visual cortex, leading to quicker, stronger, and more lasting results.
Effective At All Ages
New research in neuroplasicity shows that the brain is trainable at any age. Although optimal brain development occurs when young, CogniViiSION™ has proven to be effective in older patients.
Cost Effective
Due to the unique techniques of our therapy protocol, therapy is often cheaper in the long-run. Traditional therapy can take 9-12 months on average, and our therapy takes 4-6 months on average. In addition, most patients need no additional therapy for maintenance due to the lasting effects of CogniViiSION™.